When posting something in the marketplace, please abide by the following guidelines else your post may be deleted.
1. Do not post links to external sites unless you own the webpage. This means no links to Ebay listings or Craigslist ads. The goal of the marketplace is for enthusiasts to communicate with other enthusiasts, not to promote an external company.
2. Unless you are working on behalf of a seller, (Such as a dealer) do not publish what they are selling. This means that you cannot publish an upcoming auction unless you are directly affiliated with the auction house.
3. Items listed in the marketplace are for mechanical music related items. Non-player pianos are not welcome nor are other musical instruments that do not play themselves. Phonographs, jukeboxes, vintage arcade games, or other items closely related to mechanical music are not allowed either.
4. Low quality 'trinkets' are not allowed. This includes something such as a wind up music box, or anything made in China. Something higher quality and fine to list would include something such as a table favor from a convention hosted by AMICA or MBSI or a hand-crafted item.
5. Redundant or repeat posts will be deleted. For example, if you are selling a collection of piano rolls - put them all in one post. Posting several similar items at once will result in all but one being deleted.
6. Modern MIDI pianos are not to be sold here. This is because the goal of this website is to promote the historic instruments which made mechanical music as a hobby great, not its modern replacements. This restriction does not include antique player pianos which have had MIDI capabilities added in addition to rolls. All other things related to MIDI and mechanical music are welcome.
7. Misleading or under-researched items will be removed. This should be common knowledge, but something in poor condition listed as restored, or an extremely common music roll listed as 'rare'. An honest mistake is fine, but be prepared to change your title and description.
8. Administrators and moderators reserve the right to remove your post under any circumstances without reason or explanation.
Thank you for your understanding - and happy selling! (and buying!)